- Abjuration
- Abyssal Might
- Acid Fog
- Acid Splash
- Acid Storm
- Adding Portraits
- Agrippa's Fundamental Guards
- Aid
- Air domain
- Alarm
- Alchemy
- All-Seeing Eyes
- Amanuensis
- Amplify
- Ancestral Vengeance
- Anger of the Noonday Sun
- Animal domain
- Animate Dead
- Arcane Archer
- Arcane Resistance
- Armor Skin
- Armor and Shield Choices: A Guide to Parry and Armor Check Penalties
- Armored Mage
- Armored Mage (Beguiler)
- Assassin
- Assassin Spells
- Assay Resistance
- Augment Elemental
- Augment Healing
- Augment Summoning
- Augment Undead
- Aura of Courage
- Aura of Despair
- Aura of Flame
- Aura of Glory
- Aura of Life Energy
- Aura of Unluck
- Aura of Vitality
- Aura versus Alignment
- Awaken
- Axiomatic Strike
- Back to the Wall
- Backgrounds
- Balagarn's Iron Horn
- Baleful Polymorph
- Ball Lightning
- Bane
- Bane Bow
- Banishment
- Barbarian
- Barbarian Rage
- Bard
- Bard Song
- Bard Spells
- Barkskin
- Barovia
- Battle Caster
- Battle Hardened
- Battle of the Banner
- Battletide
- Bear's Endurance
- Beckon the Frozen
- Beguiler
- Beguiler Spells
- Beguiling Influence
- Benediction
- Beshadowed Blast
- Bestow Curse
- Bewitching Blast
- Big Sky
- Bigby's Clenched Fist
- Bigby's Crushing Hand
- Bigby's Forceful Hand
- Bigby's Grasping Hand
- Bigby's Interposing Hand
- Binding Blast
- Bindings Domain
- Black Blade of Disaster
- Black Powder Avenger
- Black Powder Avenger Crafts
- Blackguard
- Blackguard Spells
- Blackstaff
- Blade Barrier
- Blade Thirst
- Blade Weave
- Blast of Sand
- Blazing Berserker
- Bless
- Bless Weapon
- Blindness/Deafness
- Blood Frenzy
- Blood of Fire
- Bloodletting
- Bolster Resistance
- Bombardment
- Bonetti's Defense
- Bonus Spells
- Boreal Wind
- Brimstone Blast
- Bull's Strength
- Burial Blessing
- Burning Hands
- Cacophonic Burst
- Call Lightning
- Call Lightning Storm
- Call of the Beast
- Camouflage
- Careful Handling
- Carpentry
- Cast in Stone
- Castigate
- Cat's Grace
- Caustic Mire
- Chain Lightning
- Channeled Rage
- Chant of Fortitude
- Chaos Domain
- Chaos Hammer
- Charlatan
- Charm
- Charm Monster
- Charm Person
- Charm Person or Animal
- Cheetah's Speed
- Chilling Tentacles
- Circle of Death
- Circle of Doom I
- Circle of Doom II
- Circle of Doom III
- Circle of Doom IV
- Clairaudience/Clairvoyance
- Clarity
- Clarity of Vision
- Classes
- Claws of the Savage
- Cleric
- Cleric Domains
- Cleric Spells
- Cloaked Casting
- Cloud of Bewilderment
- Cloudkill
- Cocoon of Refuse
- Cold Comfort
- Cold Endurance
- Color Spray
- Coma
- Combat Absorption
- Combat Awareness
- Combat Defense
- Combat Focus
- Combat Hardiness
- Combat Speed
- Combat Stability
- Combat Strike
- Combat Vigor
- Combust
- Cone of Cold
- Cone of Dimness
- Confusion
- Conjuration
- Contagion
- Continual Flame
- Control Undead
- Corpsecrafter
- Corrupt Weapon
- Cougar's Vision
- Courage
- Crafting
- Crafting Tutorials
- Create Acid Bomb
- Create Advanced Trap Kit
- Create Ammo - Buck and Ball
- Create Ammo - Frost Bullet
- Create Ammo - Lead Bullet
- Create Ammo - Magic Bullet
- Create Ammo - Oil-Coated Bullet
- Create Ammo - Shock Bullet
- Create Bandage
- Create Cartridge Case
- Create Cleaning Kit
- Create Concussive Blast
- Create Evasive Equipment
- Create Fire Bomb
- Create Firework
- Create Flash Powder
- Create Fulminated Silver
- Create Fuse
- Create Greater Undead
- Create Minor Trap Kit
- Create Petard
- Create Powder
- Create Powder Keg
- Create Undead
- Creeping Cold
- Creeping Doom
- Critical Spell Strike
- Crossbow Sniper
- Crumble
- Crushing Despair
- Crypt Raider
- Cure Critical Wounds
- Cure Light Wounds
- Cure Minor Wounds
- Cure Moderate Wounds
- Cure Serious Wounds
- Curse Domain
- Curse Focus
- Curse Song
- Curse domain
- Curse of Despair
- Curse of Dissolution
- Curse of Distraction
- Curse of Failure
- Curse of Ignorance
- Curse of Impending Blades
- Curse of Paranoia
- Curse of Sloth
- Curse of the Softened Blade
- Curse of the Stricken
- Damage Reduction
- Damning Darkness
- Dark One’s Own Luck
- Darkfire
- Darkness
- Darkness (Invocation)
- Darkness Domain
- Darkon
- Daze
- Daze Animal
- Dead Eye
- Dead Man Walking
- Deadly Chill
- Deadly Lahar
- Deafening Clang
- Deafening Roar
- Death's Blood
- Death's Favor
- Death Armor
- Death Ward
- Death domain
- Deceitful
- Deep Slumber
- Delayed Blast Fireball
- Delusions of Grandeur
- Delven's Maneuver
- Dementlieu
- Demonflesh
- Destruction
- Destruction Retribution
- Destruction domain
- Destructive Rage
- Detect Evil
- Detect Good
- Detect Poison
- Detonate
- Devil's Sight
- Devour Magic
- Dexterity
- Diehard
- Diminish Undead
- Dirge
- Dirge of Woe
- Dirgist
- Disciplined Mind
- Disguise
- Disguise Self
- Disintegrate
- Dismissal
- Dispel Magic
- Displacement
- Disrupt Undead
- Divination
- Divine Champion
- Divine Cleansing
- Divine Energy Focus
- Divine Favor
- Divine Power
- Divine Resistance
- Divine Vigor
- Domains of Dread in POTM
- Dominate Animal
- Dominate Monster
- Dominate Person
- Doom
- Draconic Knowledge
- Draconic Toughness
- Dragon Disciple
- Dread Seizure
- Dream domain
- Drown
- Druid
- Druid Spells
- Dwarven Defender
- Eagle's Splendor
- Earth domain
- Earthquake
- Eldritch Blast
- Eldritch Chain
- Eldritch Claws
- Eldritch Cone
- Eldritch Doom
- Eldritch Line
- Electric Jolt
- Elemental Essence
- Elemental Shape
- Elemental Swarm
- Elephant's Hide
- Emote Commands
- Emote List
- Empower Curse
- Empower Turning
- Enchanting
- Enchantment
- Encumbrance
- Endurance
- Endure Elements
- Endure Exposure
- Energy Buffer
- Energy Drain
- Energy Drain (Feat)
- Energy Immunity
- Energy Resistance
- Energy Resistance (Invocation)
- Energy Vortex
- Enervating Shadow
- Enervation
- Enhance Wild Shape
- Entangle
- Entropic Shield
- Entropic Warding
- Epic of the Lost King
- Erupt
- Ethereal Jaunt
- Ethereal Visage
- Evard's Black Tentacles
- Evershifting Form
- Evil domain
- Evocation
- Exhaustion
- Expanded Aura of Courage
- Expeditious Retreat
- Experienced Haggler
- Expert Dungeoneer
- Extend Curse