Ravenloft: Prisoners of the Mist Wikia

Born of a supernatural bloodline, a warlock seeks to master the perilous magic that suffuses their soul. Many warlocks are champions for the forces of evil or chaos, sometimes both. Long ago, their ancestors forged grim pacts with dangerous extraplanar powers, trading away portions of their souls in exchange for supernatural power. While some warlocks have turned away from evil others still actively oppose it, they are still chained by the old pacts through which they derive their powers. The demand to further the designs of their dark patrons, or to resist them, drives most warlocks to seek the opportunities for power, wealth, and great deeds, for good or ill.

Unlike sorcerers, wizards, or other arcanists, who approach magic through the medium of spells, a warlock invokes powerful magic through willpower alone. By harnessing his innate magical gift through that and determination, a warlock can perform all manner of supernatural feats known as invocations, or otherwise scour their foes with eldritch power and raw magical energy. As their power grows, they are able to call upon the unnatural resilience of their patrons and resist the elements as they would.

WARNING: To cast an invocation, a warlock must have a Charisma score of 10 + the incantation's grade. For example, to cast a dark invocation, a warlock must have a Charisma of 14.

Note: You can find more information on the roleplay aspects of this class on our forums by clicking here.

- Alignment Restrictions: Any chaotic or evil.
- Base Attack Bonus: +3 / 4 Levels.
- Hit Die: d6.
- Primary Saving Throws: Will.
- Proficiencies: All simple weapons and light armor. Warlocks are not proficient with shields.
- Skill Points (*4 at 1st level): 2 + Int Modifier.
- Spellcasting: Warlock Invocations. (Charisma-based, no spell preparation, spell failure from medium and heavy armor, and shields is a factor)
- Ex-Warlocks: A warlock that is no longer either chaotic or evil loses all warlock spells and abilities and cannot gain levels until their alignment is either chaotic or evil again.

Note: Warlocks cannot qualify for prestige classes with spellcasting level requirements, as they never actually learn to cast spells.

Class Skills: Antagonize, Concentration, Disguise, Heal, Influence, Lore, Parry, Spellcraft, and Use Magic Device.
Unavailable Skills: Animal Empathy.

Bonus Feat Progression:

Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Feats 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 2* 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1


1: Eldritch Blast - At will, use eldritch power to deal magical damage.
3: Damage Reduction I - Gain 1/+1 damage reduction.
7: Damage Reduction II - Gain 2/+1 damage reduction.
8: Fiendish Resilience I (1x/day) - Fast healing 1.
10: *Energy Resistance I - Gain 5 damage resistance vs 2 types of energy.
11: Damage Reduction III - Gain 3/+2 damage reduction.
13: Fiendish Resilience II (1x/day) - Fast healing 2.
15: Damage Reduction IV - Gain 4/+2 damage reduction.
18: Fiendish Resilience III (1x/day) - Fast healing 5.
19: Damage Reduction V - Gain 5/+3 damage reduction.
20: Energy Resistance II - Damage resistance increases to 10.

Invocation Progression:

Level   Known Invocations Eldritch
Least Lesser Greater Dark
1st 2nd 3rd 4th
1st 1 - - - 1d6
2nd 2 - - -
3rd 2 - - - 2d6 1/+1
4th 3 - - -
5th 3 - - - 3d6
6th 3 1 - -
7th 3 1 - - 4d6 2/+1
8th 3 2 - -
9th 3 2 - - 5d6
10th 3 3 - -
11th 3 3 1 - 6d6 3/+2
12th 3 3 1 -
13th 3 3 2 -
14th 3 3 2 - 7d6
15th 3 3 3 - 4/+2
16th 3 3 3 1
17th 3 3 3 1 8d6
18th 3 3 3 2
19th 3 3 3 2 5/+3
20th 3 3 3 3 9d6